Monday, June 11, 2012

Ginger tea

It's good to spend your time wisely while you are waiting.. So while we were waiting for my registration, we were invited for a nice Sudanese cup of coffee outside with a few friendly locals. Since both of us are pure 'theeleuten' (as we say in Dutch), we asked if it would be possible to have tea instead of the traditional Sudenese glass of coffee. The men around started to smile, since it wasn't considered tea time yet. Besides that we asked if it would be possible to have ginger in our tea to give it a nice flavour. "Are you sure?"asked the man who'd invited us, "we only put ginger in our coffee and never in our tea!". We assured him that we knew what we were asking for. When we finally said that we didn't need any sugar in our tea, the men couldn't hide their smiles any longer: ginger tea without sugar? Those foreign people do have strange customs!