The local staff had already shown us before that they really know how to
enjoy team outings. But somehow they did surprise us again yesterday,
when we went for our last team outing of the year. One thing that has
become clear is the importance of food during an outing, especially the
Without meat, no outing! Instead of ready-made food, everything was
being prepared freshly on the spot. And the amount of meat, vegetables
and fruit was really no joke! To be sure that everyone would have full
bellies during the whole day, there were enough ingredients for both
breakfast (sheep) and lunch (chicken).
In practise, this meant that the majority of the time people were
cutting, stirring or supervising the cooking process. In the meantime
people enjoyed themselves with card games, dancing, chatting and
sleeping. Recreation at a maximum level, I would say! After having eaten
all the food (-according to many people, the highlight of the day were
Frank's freshly baked chips from the charcoal fire! -), it was time to
say goodbye.
We will surely miss these outings with the friendly staff, when leaving
Kosti. But this was definitely a memorable concluding one, to be remembered
by both our minds and our bellies!