When we talk about ‘traffic’
in Kosti, we don’t just talk about the vehicles and bicycles. Here, the
donkeys, cows, sheep and goats also have to be included, since they take a
major part in the day-to-day traffic on the streets. Apart from 2 main roads,
all the roads are unpaved and sandy so it is very comfortable for the animals
to walk on. Kosti is considered a small rural town without any facilities or
traffic jams like you see in a city like Khartoum. There are no such things as
traffic lights, but the donkeys, cows, sheep and goats somehow have the same
effect when it comes to slowing down your speed. Many donkeys are also used to
transport goods (- really anything you can think of!) from one place to another.
The other day, we were talking with one of Frank’s colleagues about the
differences between the towns Kosti and Rabak, a nearby town on the other side
of the Nile. She said: “Oh, Rabak is very
busy!” I tried to remember my images of Rabak when I drove through it on my
way to Kosti. Somehow I couldn’t recall it being ‘very busy’. After a short pause
she finished her statement, which made it all clearer: “I mean, there are just too many donkeys in Rabak!” Talking about a
rural street view ;)