Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The morning after..

A few nights ago, it rained heavenly! Naturally, rain is very refreshing for everything and everyone here in the North of Sudan. Unfortunately the morning after, you mostly find the unpleasant consequences of these rare waterfalls. Besides the watery roads I told you about earlier, it also seems to be an unwritten ‘rule’ that problems with the electricity occur after every rainy night. In Kosti, Frank has experienced quite some ‘electric fire works’ in the last few weeks: exploding light bulbs, lightening electricity cables next to the house and regular breakdowns of the electricity network in the house and office.  Here in Khartoum, I have had some problems with my internet connection since last week’s rainy night. It seems to be a bit better today, so I will quickly try to catch up with the blogs you been missed out on! You never know what tonight’s possible rains may bring; not to mention the consequences the morning after.