Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cats as pets

Keeping cats as pets is not very common here in Kosti. The same counts for dogs, birds and actually many more other animals. Most of them live freely in the fields or on the sandy streets. So, you can imagine  the giggles and curious faces of people when we 'adopted' a cat a few months ago, and welcomed it into our house. The top of amazement came when we had left special small 'parcels' with cat food in the fridge when we left for our holiday to Zambia. When I asked the guard if he could feed the cat while we were away, he started laughing and he simply couldn't hide his uncomfortable feeling. I eventually had to ask someone else ;) Over the last few months most people have started to get used to this special pet in the house and office, except for one particular person; one of the cleaning ladies (-who has featured in a few other previous blog messages as well ;) . She clearly shows that this cat should NOT be in the house according to her vast opinion. Some days she seems to do her best and tries to make friendship: "Where is the lovely cat?" she would ask with a smile and her arms wide open. But as soon as she sees the cat lying on the sofa or chair, her face gets an interesting different expression as if she has just eaten a very sour apple. "This cat is crazy!! Sitting on the sofa!?" With a clearing movement she then would chase it away before cleaning the place where it had just sat. Luckily, the cat knows better now and I have noticed that, as soon as her foot steps are heard on the stairs, the cat jumps up and hides under the bed. Only to come out when the coast is clear...