Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fake bottoms

Some women are never satisfied with their body. Yesterday one of Frank's colleagues revealed the 'fake bottom'  phenomenon that has landed in Sudan. Women who have not been blessed with a natural big bottom, but would desperately like to have one, can buy special underwear with a new, fake bottom. This sounds very straight-forward, but the consequences of wearing such a fake bottom can be quite devastating it seems. You can imagine the faces and thoughts of people when your bottom changes size every other day. Frank's colleague told me a story of her cousin in Khartoum who had gone to a wedding, wearing a nice, colourful Sudanese dress and...a new pair of these special underpants. She had only been able to buy the cheap version of this special garment; the one with air-filled buttocks. But the result seemed to be the same, and she really enjoyed her new round shapes. Her brother though had become a bit suspicious and when he heard about his sister's new fake bottoms he clearly found it a bit over-the-top.  So, he made a cunning plan. He discretely approached his sister to the 'dance floor' and, while trying to hold his laughter, he pinched one of his sister's fake buttocks with a sharp needle. The buttock deflated instantly, leaving the poor girl with one big and one slim buttock in the middle of the dance floor. You can imagine the painful, embarrassing situation that followed. I don't know if this girl has ever worn fake bottoms again, but I can imagine it has made her think twice about it.